Thursday, August 15, 2013

Working on Workboxes

We started using workboxes back when I first started preschool. Now that J is doing Kindergarten, he has 9 boxes just for him! There are LOTS of different ways to use the workbox system. The original method was created by Sue Patrick. You can read more about it here. I also really like how Confessions of a Homeschooler set up her workbox system. See details about it here. Anyhow, here is a little bit about how we are going to use workboxes to keep organized. 

 On the left are J's boxes, in his favorite color - yellow. :) Each box has a label so that he can read and I can easily tell which subjects we are covering. The red boxes on the right are for baby E to explore.

Each day I change most of the boxes and the labels to match what I have for us to cover for the day. I have J work through the boxes one at a time in order. No skipping ahead to the game or box with a snack!! 

After breakfast, calendar time, and some singing and dancin' we work on our first box - Calendar...

where we have our calendar binder, a dry erase marker and eraser. 

Next is our bible box. We are working through the Gotta Have God Devotional For Boys right now, although sometimes I'll put in our Beginners Bible and do some reading from that.

After Calendar and Bible - we do a CHORE!!! I've been trying to figure out a way to get J (and myself, honestly) to get motivated to do routine chores around the house. Solution: chore bucket. I simply filled a green cup with these adorable dry erase frog markers from our local teachers store. On each stick, I wrote a chore that we can all do together. (Pick up toys, dust, outside tidy, vacuum, dishes, clean bedroom, clean bathroom, etc. I even stuck one in that says to play with sister so that momma can get something accomplished!) Each day we pick a stick and do that chore together. It's then removed from the cup so we will get everything done before we start over. So far, it's working really well!

** Usually we take a little school break at this point until baby E goes down for a nap. It's just easier to get the rest of the work done without a small helper! **

Next we tackle reading, math, writing and our thematic unit. I typically do two boxes that focus on reading, one on writing, and two on math. Of course, they are often disguised as other things...

Here is the first *reading* box on this day. Water balloons+chalk=fun!! I simply wrote our sight words with chalk on the back patio and J had to smash each one he could say with a water balloon. :)

I was impressed at how many words he remembered from Pre-K. Next we took the words he read correctly outside and he wrote each one on adorable animal diecuts he chose from the teacher store. We were able to post those on his sight word wall for future reference. This was our next reading box.

On to math... 
with a little snack to keep us going.

In one math box, I placed a worksheet. In the next, we did a tangram puzzle and counted shapes, discussed colors, etc. After all that seat work, we needed to get moving again, so it was time for *P.E.* (Again, a box that mixes in lots of fun with learning.) Josiah had to run around the house and collect ALL the teddy bears that we have. I think he found nearly 20. (Yes, I'm aware we may have way to many teddy bears... at least they all came in handy for this unit on bears!)

We sorted them - first by color, then type and finally by size....

To wrap up, the 9th workbox is usually something fun/extra I try to incorporate into our day. I had J help me bake some delicious muffins!

 So, we managed to eat, play, watch a show, get to swimming lessons and back on our bikes, entertain little E, get all our schoolwork done for the day, and visit grandma - before 3pm. :) I LOVE how homeschooling is working out for our little family. Time to fill up the boxes for tomorrow!

Monday, August 12, 2013


Here he is...

On his very FIRST day!

He picked a shirt that says, "I'm awesome."
Perfect. :)

He was so proud to be having a day of school with me.

We both loved every minute of it. 
Eleanor did too!